
昨天收到一篇 Nokia Press Service 的公關信, 廣告他們家的 Ovi Map 3D 版正式跟世人亮相,
之前就聽說這個想要跟 Google Maps 打對台的產品, 很有興緻的玩了一下, Ovi Map 有 2D
view 跟 3D view, 2D View 仿照 Google Map 的作法, 用各國語言標示各國的地名, 3D View
的地名則全部使用英語, 問題來了,  當我zoom到2D View 的台灣....|23.7669239|121.153938|7|0|0|

Nokia Ovi Map 的2D View 中, "台灣"被標成"中国台湾", 我email去信更正:
I am YS Yang from Taiwan.

As I check out ovi map. There is an obvious mistake, that "台灣"(Taiwan, in traditional Chinese) is marked as "中国台湾"(China Taiwan, in simplified Chinese).

It is totally wrong, and we 23,000,000 Taiwanese who live in this land can't agree with your map.

Please be aware of the fact that Taiwan is not a part of China.

Please kindly help to correct this BIG MISTAKE, or help to forward to corresponding department to handle this asap.

Thanks a lot!
Dear Paul,

My name is Kristina and I am working for the Location Communication team in Nokia.

My colleagues in the Nokia press team forwarded your mail to me.

We have investigated into the matter and unfortunately there is a translation error in the map.

If youl switch the MAP to English; you will see that Taiwan is represented as an individual country with own capital city & own independent country label.

I enclosed screenshots for both the city icon & the country label for your reference. We will do everything we can to fix that as soon as possible.

We are sorry for the irritation it caused.

Please let me know if you have further questions.


Kristina Bohlmann


但是....2D View的中文還是沒有改!!
請看到的朋友, 一人一信吧!

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